Friday, 25 March 2016

A Poem

Hello everyone, its been along time since I last blogged but I'm back :)

So today was Good Friday and I felt that God was lending me to start writing again. I wrote a little poem this evening reflecting on a few of the things that Jesus can do for a person who is going through hard times. Hope you enjoy the few words I have to offer and find the comfort of Jesus through any troubles you might be facing at present.

The Crier by Emily Reeve
What does one do when one is down?
Does one wear a frown or a thorny crown?
Can one brake the chains and shake off the dust;
And ashes of life gone to rust?
How does one over come such despair?
To where does one give all their cares?
Does one cast all sorrows in one way?
Or keep them inside for where to stay?
Can one be safe from trials?
Even though they increase in ever growing piles?
If one opens their heart and lets in the light;
Will the fight end that was once in their sight?
If one looks up and cries to the sky;
Will one be restored and all troubles die?
No, if one calls aimlessly about nothing will be done;
With no direction the battle can not be won!
There is but one place to give all pains;
And that is in he who has three names!
Through spirit's wind and fire he grants one's desire;
Of freedom and peace to one once a crier!
He gives joy and takes all fears;
He wipes one's every tear!
So what does one do when one is down?
Does one wear a frown or go to he who once wore a thorny crown?

If you have any prayer requests please feel free to comment.

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