Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Proof that the Bible is True

As a follow up to my post on Sunday I would like to give you some more advice on the topic of talking to others about Christianity. Some people you speak to may be interested in knowing some real facts that you can share to back up your statements. Here are some things that you could tell them about if they want to know some interesting facts about things that happened in the Bible.
1. Chariot Wheels found at the bottom of the Red Sea
Remember the story of Moses and the parting of the Red Sea that killed Pharaoh's men, chariots, and horses but let Moses and the Israelites walk freely from Egypt? (if not it's found in Exodus 14) Well a vast amount of chariot remains have been found in the bottom of the Red Sea. It is very possible that these are the remains of the chariots that belonged to Pharaoh.  What else could explain how they could have possibly have ended up in the middle of a sea?
2. The Circle of the Earth and The Vast Number of Stars 
In Isaiah 40:22 he writes "God sits above the circle of the earth..." How did Isaiah know that the world was actually a globe if not by a Devine revelation? Back then everyone thought that the world was flat, but right there in the writings of this profit was the truth all along. Then in Jeremiah 33:22 he writes that "As the stars of the sky cannot be counted..." this is also proof of the turth in the Bible because science has shown us exactly that.
3. The Shroud of Turin
A length of linen cloth bearing the image of a man who appears to have suffered a crucifixion. There is no consensus yet on exactly how the image was created, however it is believed by many  to be the burial shroud of Jesus.
4. All the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled
One of the large amounts of prophecies involving Jesus that I found to be very interesting was when Jesus cries out on the cross "My God, My God why have you forsaken me!" (Mathew 27). He is actually telling people to turn to Psalm  22 because back then there were no numbers in the bible, people just remembered how all the chapters started. In Psalm 22:16 David writes "Dogs surround me, a pack of villains encircles me; they pierce my hands and my feet." by saying this he is referring to the crucifixion of Jesus. Crucifixion was only invented around 550-485 B.C. where as the Psalms were written approximately 1040 to 1000 BC when crucifixion wasn't even around. I just find that so cool.
There are many more examples but this is just to give to some good ideas, hope this helped <3

The Shroud of Turin

If you have any more examples please comment below I would love to read them :D

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